Discalced Carmelite (OCD) Mission in Kenya
Washington Province of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Who we are
We are Brothers of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, of the Province of The Immaculate Heart of Mary of the Washington Province, in the region of Kenya. Our roots began in Palestine, 13th Century. We were reformed (founded) by St. Teresa of Avila and St. John of the Cross in the 16th century. Today we are headquartered in Rome and answer to our immediate superior, the Provincial of the Washington Province, Fr. Michael Berry, O.C.D.
Kenya, like most African countries, has experienced and continues to live with various hardships such as famine, epidemic diseases, poor governance, and illiteracy. The Catholic Church has been at the forefront in working for changes that can end the vicious cycle of poverty, while at the same time paying keen attention to the spiritual and material needs of God’s people, sharing the message of the gospel and practical necessities such as food, shelter, and clothing.
What we do
Discalced Carmelites in Kenya participate in the mission of the Church in four specific ways:
We PRAY for the needs of the Church
We form students to become PRIESTS & brothers
We serve in PARISHES
We initiate PROJECTS of love, and use those projects to alleviate poverty
We train young Kenyan seminarians to become priests: beacons of hope and pillars of strength for the needy Kenyans. We minister to the needs of God’s people in parishes and in our monasteries by our prayer and presence and projects of love.
We are Bearing Fruit
In 1992, our Generalite in Rome started the foundation of Kenya. The foundation was passed to the Washington Province in 1995. Since then, the province has labored to establish Carmelite life in all its branches on Kenyan soil and help it to flourish.
To date, by the grace of God, the Washington Province’s efforts have born fruit in the ordination and professions of Kenyans, among them 15 priests, and 17 seminarians in formation.
“We create hope for the church and hope for Carmel.”
— Fr. Thomas Ochieng Otanga, O.C.D .

“Please, support us and become part of this great mission.
In deed, the Lord invites us to become messengers of the Gospel to others, driven by the love we bear for Him,
and sustained by the love we receive from each other.”
— Fr. Thomas Ochieng Otanga, O.C.D .